Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Sam, Kyle & Bean

Good afternoon! I hope you can all bare with me through this if I sound like I'm repeating myself... I'm still trying to find a balance between what to stop posting on our facebook page.. and leave for the blog! Sooo if you missed the post on my page last week.. it went a little bit like this..

"How did I get so lucky to have such gorgeous friends? Alright on a more serious note- just wanted to say... I am getting ridiculously anxious for the arrival of this baby bean♥ I think Sam Hildebrand was BORN with a natural "mom" instinct.. she has been the most amazing auntie (to my kids) & friend anyone could ask for! There is no doubt in my mind you and Kyle are going to make the BEST parents ever!!!! Love you so much xo"

I am so proud to annouce that Sam & Kyle gave birth to their beautiful daughter Sawyer Bryn Wattam just this past weekend. SOOO very excited to have her  in my studio for her newborn session this week!! :-)


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