Saturday, 11 October 2014

My Inspirations & Journey

Where has Janelle Baldwin Photography been??? Thank you all for not holding your breaths awaiting my return to blogging. I feel like I should catch up & let you all know what we've been up to!

Just before our trip out to Vegas... we were too excited to see our four page feature in the new 'It's Love' Magazine.

Out in Vegas about 3 weeks ago..  I registered to take classes at the WPPI 2013 Photographers Convention. I got to see, listen, learn from, be inspired by, and shoot with sooo many successful & talented photographers.

Sue Bryce is a portrait glamour photography Legend! Having the opportunity to see, watch & listen to her inspiring words in person was an absolutely amazinggg - AMAZING experience!!

Participated in a photo shoot walk with Moshe Zusman.

Sight seeing was pretty minimal since I spent most of my time in class, or browsing/researching new products at the tradeshow. (Which was also wonderful, can not wait to show samples of the new products we will be offering!!) .. So here are the few snap shots I managed to take with my pocket size point 'n shoot camera

This is the closest we got to the pool. 

View from our hotel room.

Bellagio Fountains. 

Dinner out with some pretty amazing Winnipeg Photographers who were also in Vegas for the convention!

Best sandwich in Vegas.

So I want to share a few links & videos with all of you that are taking the time to read my blog.

I was amazed at meeting & watching Mindy Gledhill performing live in Vegas, as she opened for Sue Bryce. Since then I have been following her music... obsessively. Here is one of the songs she performed in Vegas

I find music very inspiring. I can't live without it, it's usually how I start and end my day.  I came across a video this morning... of Mindy documenting her inspirations for her new album. She mentions not always knowing all the answers, all the time & that leaves so many possibilities open.

I'm going to admit I was absolutely terrified of blogging at first. Creating a blog with images I could easily do. Though writing my thoughts, words, feelings was an other story... Her words along with the people I was lucky to meet or hear speaking so far this year, have made me reflect on my life & business.

Mingy Gledhill - New Album Documentary  You all must watch this short documentary clip!

I had absolutely no idea when I hosted our Janelle Baldwin Photography Wedding Show & Open house late November, 2013.. that I would be opening up a new studio location in Winnipeg in early January.

This year has been an eventful roller-coaster!! We are working on a lot of new business aspects that we had not forseen, even a few months ago.. and we are sooo very excited about launching them!! Our countdown has begun.. we are not very far away from our wedding season , starting off with our wedding in San Pedro California in just 8 weeks! Until then we are going to try and squeeze in as many Grad & Senior sessions as possible!

Writing this blog, building & making my business grow has made me realize.. that yes, not knowing all the answers all the time is okay. It can turn into wonderful and unexpected things. I believe in being the imperfect person you are, and loving yourself just the way you are! xo



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